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Trusted Root CAs

These are the basis of the trust chain, servers doesn't send root certificates the client must include the roots certificates of the accessed endpoints.

Root CAs

  1. Reset URL: Reset the URL input back to its addon supplied url.
  2. URL Input: The URL that the addon going to download the certifications. The addon expects CSV formatted data, but the URL can point to a local file using the file:// protocol. The default URLs are pointing to Mozilla repositories.
  3. Download: Clicking on this button start the downloading, content parsing and loading process. Downloading the certificates already uses all verification implemented in the addon.
  4. Clear Before Download: Check to remove all non-locked and non-user added (if Keep Custom is checked) certificates before download.
  5. Clear: Remove all non-locked and non-user added (if Keep Custom is checked) certificates.
  6. Keep Custom: If set Clear buttons doesn't remove user added certificates.
  7. Add Custom: Add certificates from .cer, .pem and .p7b files.
  8. Delete Selected: Delete selected certificates. Locked certificates can't be deleted!
  9. Search Input: It can be used to search certificates by their Subject name. Minimum 3 characters needed.
  10. Help (?) Button: Opens a browser window to this manual.
  11. # Column: Index of the certificate.
  12. User Column: It has a ✔, if it's a user-added certificate.
  13. Lock Column: It has a ✔, if it's locked and can't be deleted. Currently only certificates needed to update from the default URL are locked.
  14. Subject Column: Subject field of the certificate.
  15. Issuer Column: Issuer field of the certificate.
  16. Certifications: Number of certifications displayed.
  17. Certificate Size Stats: Min, max, sum and average size of certificate data in bytes. This can help adjusting cache sizes.
  18. Status: Status of the last operation.

Double clicking on a row or hitting Enter while at least one row is selected dumps out certification information to the console.
