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Trusted Intermediate Certificates

Because servers can choose to not send intermediate certificates it's a good practice to bundle them too.

Intermediate Certificates

  1. Reset URL: Reset the URL input back to its addon supplied url.
  2. URL Input: The URL that the addon going to download the certifications. The addon expects CSV formatted data, but the URL can point to a local file using the file:// protocol. The default URLs are pointing to Mozilla repositories.
  3. Download: Clicking on this button start the downloading, content parsing and loading process. Downloading the certificates already uses all verification implemented in the addon.
  4. Clear Before Download: Check to remove all non-locked and non-user added (if Keep Custom is checked) certificates before download.
  5. Clear: Remove all non-locked and non-user added (if Keep Custom is checked) certificates.
  6. Keep Custom: If set Clear buttons doesn't remove user added certificates.
  7. Add Custom: Add certificates from .cer, .pem and .p7b files.
  8. Delete Selected: Delete selected certificates. Locked certificates can't be deleted!
  9. Search Input: It can be used to search certificates by their Subject name. Minimum 3 characters needed.
  10. Help (?) Button: Opens a browser window to this manual.
  11. # Column: Index of the certificate.
  12. User Column: It has a ✔, if it's a user-added certificate.
  13. Lock Column: It has a ✔, if it's locked and can't be deleted. Currently only certificates needed to update from the default URL are locked.
  14. Subject Column: Subject field of the certificate.
  15. Issuer Column: Issuer field of the certificate.
  16. Certifications: Number of certifications displayed.
  17. Certificate Size Stats: Min, max, sum and average size of certificate data in bytes. This can help adjusting cache sizes.
  18. Status: Status of the last operation.

Double clicking on a row or hitting Enter while at least one row is selected dumps out certification information to the console.
