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Proxy Autodetect

The ProxyDetector class coordinates automatic proxy detection in the Best HTTP package. This feature supports different modes of operation and can be customized with various detectors.

Enabling and Configuring Proxy Detection

To enable automatic proxy detection, instantiate a ProxyDetector and assign it to the HTTPManager.ProxyDetector. For example:

Create and set a new Proxy Detector with default settings
Best.HTTP.Shared.HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = new Best.HTTP.Proxies.Autodetect.ProxyDetector();

Proxy Detection Modes

The ProxyDetector can operate in two modes:

  • ProxyDetectionMode.Continouos: The detector checks for a proxy for every request.
  • ProxyDetectionMode.CacheFirstFound: The detector caches and reuses the first proxy it could find.

By default, ProxyDetectionMode.CacheFirstFound is used. You can specify the mode in the constructor:

Set Proxy Detection Mode
HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = new ProxyDetector(ProxyDetectionMode.Continouos);

Disabling Proxy Detection

To disable automatic proxy detection:

Disable by null
HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = null;

Alternatively, call Detach() on the ProxyDetector:

Disable by Detach

Restarting Proxy Detection

To restart a previously detached detector, call Reattach() or assign a new ProxyDetector:

Create New
HTTPManager.ProxyDetector = new ProxyDetector();

Proxy Detectors

The ProxyDetector uses implementations of the IProxyDetector interface. By default, these include:

  • ProgrammaticallyAddedProxyDetector: Returns the HTTPManager.Proxy. By default it has the highest priority to keep and use the manually set proxy.
  • EnvironmentProxyDetector: Checks environment variables like HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, and NO_PROXY.
  • FrameworkProxyDetector: Utilizes .NET's System.Net.WebRequest.GetSystemWebProxy().
  • AndroidProxyDetector: For Android systems, using Java's ProxySelector.

The AndroidProxyDetector requires the built-in Android JNI module. Enable it through the Package Manager window.


Not all platforms are supported. Under WebGL, proxies are detected/managed by the browser. The HTTPManager.Proxy, HTTPManager.ProxyDetector, and HTTPRequest's Proxy are not compiled into builds for WebGL to reduce build size. Proxy detection might not work under MacOS and iOS.

Issues With Minify

When Minify is enabled, it will detect that the com.Best.HTTP.proxy.ProxyFinder class isn't used and removes it completely. Errors will surface during runtime, producing errors like this:

11-13 09:27:49.397 27205 27520 E Unity : {"tid":1,"div":"AndroidProxyDetector","msg":"GetProxy","ex": [{"msg": "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.Best.HTTP.proxy.ProxyFinder", "stack": "..."}]

These errors are harmless in that HTTPRequests will be processed, but if there's a proxy set for the device, it will not be able to detect and use.

The solution to the issue is to add a Custom Proguard File:

Unity Custom Proguard File Setting

And add the following content, to keep all classes from the com.Best.HTTP.proxy package (including the only class in the package, ProxyFinder):

-keep class com.Best.HTTP.proxy.* { *; }

As can be seen in the picture above, when ticking the Custom Proguard File option in the Unity Editor, it creates an empty proguard-user.txt file under the \Assets\Plugins\Android\ folder.

More about Proguard configuration can be found in the Proguard Manual.
