Boolean IsDuplicate¶
- Set to true if it's not the first occasion the broker sent this application message.
QoSLevels QoS¶
- QoS this application message sent with.
Boolean Retain¶
- Set to true if this is a retained application message.
String Topic¶
- The topic's name this application message is publish to.
PayloadTypes PayloadFormat¶
- Payload type (binary or text).
TimeSpan ExpiryInterval¶
- Expiry interval of the application message.
String ResponseTopic¶
- Topic name where the publisher waiting for a response to this application message.
BufferSegment CorrelationData¶
- Arbitrary data sent with the application message.
List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> UserProperties¶
- Key-value pairs sent with the application message.
String ContentType¶
- Arbitrary value set by the publisher.
BufferSegment Payload¶
- Payload of the application message.