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Boolean IsDuplicate

Set to true if it's not the first occasion the broker sent this application message.

QoSLevels QoS

QoS this application message sent with.

Boolean Retain

Set to true if this is a retained application message.

String Topic

The topic's name this application message is publish to.

PayloadTypes PayloadFormat

Payload type (binary or text).

TimeSpan ExpiryInterval

Expiry interval of the application message.

String ResponseTopic

Topic name where the publisher waiting for a response to this application message.

BufferSegment CorrelationData

Arbitrary data sent with the application message.

List<KeyValuePair<String, String>> UserProperties

Key-value pairs sent with the application message.

String ContentType

Arbitrary value set by the publisher.

BufferSegment Payload

Payload of the application message.
