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3.0.15 (2025-03-27)


  • (#218) Fixed IndexOutOfRangeException in TCPRingmaster
  • Fixed proxy autodetection didn't run on request initialization
  • (#217) Removed State.Set error when called on an other thread
  • (#209) Fixed HTTP cache age calculation
  • Fixed issues when LitJson used with JsonData or with other IJsonWrapper implementation

3.0.14 (2025-03-06)


  • Fixed Cookie sending

3.0.13 (2025-03-04)


  • Fixed LitJson to use invariant version of chars during hascode generation to retrieve properties/fields.

3.0.12 (2025-03-02)

Additions and improvements

  • Rewrote BufferPool to remove locking, sped up getting from the cache and releasing memory.
  • Merge headers and body content into one network packet.
  • Multiple LitJson improvements to speed it up and to produce less GC allocations.
  • Improved HTTP1ContentConsumer to not block its thread while waiting for data from the UploadStream.
  • Dispatch DNS result on a background thread to avoid CPU spike in the calling thread.
  • Greatly improved speed of LitJson encoding and decoding.
  • Added string to enum support to LitJson decoding.
  • Handle network events when no request is assigned to a http/1 connection.
  • Removed locking in HeartbeatManager by using an event queue.
  • Upped Burst version dependency to v1.8.19.


  • Fixed handling status code 407 during proxy negotiation.
  • Added a space to separate header names and values. Siemens PLCs can't parse websocket requests otherwise.
  • Fixed age-based caching.
  • Fixed: don't try to read the body of a response to a HEAD request.
  • HTTP/2 - not send Content-Length header if it would be equal or less then zero.
  • Fixed log level check in DownloadContentStream.
  • HTTPRequest: Added missing Trace method to the MethodNames array.
  • Handle exceptions during bundle loading in GetAssetBundleAsync.
  • WebGL: Fixed performance issue by allowing more than one connection.
  • Try to save database's content during Dispose and unsubscribe from heartbeat updates.

3.0.11 (2024-09-09)

Additions and improvements

  • Improved performanse (both in terms of memory allocations and CPU usage) when hundreds of concurrent requests are sent.
  • IHeartbeat's OnHeartbeatUpdate is now called with the current UTC date&time.


  • Reworked request timing handling. It's now more precise.
  • [WebGL] Fixed case where document.cookie might be undefined.
  • Call RequestEventHelper.Clear() on RuntimeInitializeLoadType.SubsystemRegistration.

3.0.10 (2024-06-20)

Additions and improvements

  • Added FindNext function to TimingCollector.
  • Added MaxBufferSize property to the ITCPStreamerContentConsumer interface and to all implementers unifying them.
  • HTTPRequest: Track the serving connection's hash in the request's logging context.
  • Logging: Changed field ordering.
  • TCPStreamer: Properly dispose socket in all cases.


  • (#199) Fixed BlockingDownloadContentStream throwing InvalidOperationException.
  • TCPStreamer: Set write in progress to 0 when SendFromQueue() returns with false.
  • Clear HostManager on Unity reset.

3.0.9 (2024-05-30)

Additions and improvements

  • MultipartFormDataStream: no additional Content-Type header is set if the mime-type parameter is set to null.


  • WebGL: Fixed compile error.
  • Fixed ArgumentNullException when a file Uri is used.
  • Fix compile error when building for Nintendo™ Switch.

3.0.8 (2024-05-20)

Additions and improvements

  • WebGL: Support added for WebAssembly.Table language feature.
  • New logging IFilter interface with SingleDivisionFilter and MultiDivisionFilter implementations
  • [HTTP2] Added NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES to the known settings.
  • [HTTP2] HTTP2SettingsRegistry will ignore unknown keys by handling them gracefully instead of throwing an exception.
  • CookieJar now has an IsEnabled field to be able to disable cookie handling completely.
  • Removed unused BlockingTCPStream implementation.
  • BufferPool now accepts only power of two sized buffers only in its Release functions.
  • New per-host setting for HTTP/1 forced usage of ThreadPool through HTTP1ConnectionSettings.ForceUseThreadPool.
  • Prevent double-dispose of _currentSegment in DownloadContentStream.
  • HTTPRequest: OnHeaderEnumerationDelegate, Response's setter and EnumerateHeaders are public now.
  • DownloadContentStream's EmergencyIncreaseMaxBuffered is now public.
  • TimingCollector's StartNext and Finish are public now.
  • Retries' setter is now public.
  • Proxy's GetRequestPath is now public.
  • New Per-host Variant and Connection factory functions.
  • Connection's LogginContext is now public.


  • Save current uri before handling redirection, otherwise PerHostSettings might return with the wrong setting for the current connection.
  • Don't close the underlying connection when we just upgraded/switched protocols.
  • (#195) Fixed deadlock in BlockingDownloadContentStream.
  • (#189) Fixed warning in documentation under JetBrains Rider.
  • (#190) HTTPRequest's Dispose is now an internal method.
  • HTTP/1 connection is closed when HTTP1ConnectionSettings.TryToReuseConnections set to true even if the connection is upgraded.
  • When checking for TryToReuseConnections, save current uri before handling redirection, otherwise PerHostSettings might return with the wrong setting for the current connection.
  • Fixed a possible null-reference exception in NonBlockingTCPStream.
  • Fixed proxy autodetector not checking for a proxy.
  • Fixed case where WebGL layer includes both content-length and chunked transfer encoding.
  • Set TCPStreamer's ContentConsumer to not receive more callbacks after calling dispose in NonBlockingTCPStream.
  • Fixed race condition where not all content sent by the TCP streamer.
  • Set ReuseAddress to false on the socket to remove lingering sockets.

3.0.7 (2024-03-27)

Additions and improvements

  • Merged two request events (Queued and Resend) into one.
  • If the response is with an unknown length (neither chunked or has a content-length header) and the tcp connection is closing, read all available data and serve the response as completed.


  • Fix for Incorrect Brotli handling for AndroidMono (#187) .
  • Continue download after displaying a warning about download content stream beeing full.
  • Fixed case where Database's FindContentAndMetadataLocked throws an exception. It will handle the exception, display it, but deletes the corrupted DB entry to not try to use it the next time.
  • Don't log an error if HTTPRequest's state changes and the threading mode isn't set to UnityUpdate (#188).

3.0.6 (2024-02-09)


  • HTTP2: Fixed NullReferenceException when an UploadProgress event is defined for the request.
  • Fixed case where not all available connection slots are used to server queued requests

3.0.5 (2024-01-03)

Additions and improvements

  • Added constructor to the MultipartFormDataStream to allow setting custom boundaries.


  • Fixed boundary generation and sending for MultipartFormDataStream.
  • Fixed WebGL issue introduced in v3.0.4, where requests are stuck while checking the local HTTP cache.

3.0.4 (2023-12-22)

Additions and improvements

  • Implemented a new algorithm to pre-establish connections. This primarily affects HTTP/2 connections, which can handle multiple requests simultaneously. Starting from this version, the plugin is capable of opening more than one HTTP/2 connection when a large number of requests are queued.
  • Added a new field MaxAssignedRequestsFactor to HostVariantSettings. This field aids in fine-tuning the creation of new connections based on the number of queued requests.
  • Moved the first local HTTP cache check to a background thread. In exchange of some slight delay to remove overhead from the main Unity thread.
  • Added a few more logging.


  • (#183) Handle unrecognized content-encoding values gracefully and serve the content as-is.
  • HTT2: Fix case where a request's Processing state isn't processed in time and as a result HTTP2Stream made decisions based on the old state and didn't finished the request.
  • HTTP Cache: HTTPCache.CanServeWithoutValidation wasn't thread-safe.
  • HTTP Cache: Even with DisableCache, a failed request still checked the local cache whether the content can be loaded.
  • HTTP Cache: In some rare cases, the first read from the cache happened before FileConnection could register its callbacks and as a result the assigned request never finished.

3.0.3 (2023-12-08)

Additions and improvements

  • Updated WithCredentials' documentation.


  • Under Android (and possible under other non-windows platforms) when the network is unreachable Unity doesn't call the callback passed to BeginConnect.

3.0.2 (2023-12-04)


  • Fixed case where TCPStreamer would block indefinitely if there's no sending in progress and receives more data to send than MaxBufferedWriteAmount
  • WebGL: Fixed case where if there was any content-encoding (gzip for example), the actual content accessible through XHR's response had different length (it's uncompressed) than what the server sent with the content-length header.
  • Fixed compile warning/error when building for WebGL
  • Typo fix in ProxyDetectionMode: renamed Continouos to Continuous

3.0.1 (2023-11-28)

Additions and improvements

  • (#165) Use short-living threads for simple HTTP/1 GET requests
  • Added short and long-living thread counting for a possible threading profiler in the future
  • Log out exception in the HTTPCahe constructor only when diagnostic logging is enabled


  • Fixed case where the content-encoding header is sent to the higher layer and the generic HTTP1 response class tried to decompress an already decompressed content

3.0.0 (2023-11-01)

Additions and improvements

The Best HTTP package has been modularized to exclusively include HTTP protocols (HTTP/1.1 & HTTP/2) and a shared infrastructure that other protocols and packages can utilize. For a comprehensive list of these protocols, please visit the main page.

  • New namespace hierarchy.
  • Added DNSCache implementation to speed up consecutive connection processes.
  • Added support for DNSCache to manually store and retrieve entries.
  • Added new Negotiator class help building new plugins that doesn't use HTTP, but require the same lower-level infrastructure.
  • Added new TCPRingmaster class to speed up TCP connection process by sending out multiple tcp connection requests and use the first connected one.
  • Reimplemented connection logic to use the new DNS cache, negotiator and tcp-ringmaster.
  • Reimplemented network read and write operations. Instead of blocking Reads&Writes, now the plugin uses non-blocking functions. This enabled implementing new ways for downloads and uploads. There's forward and backward feedback between the low level tcp layer and higher level connection layers. If the download-stream's buffer is full, it can notify the tcp layer that it can resume receiving from the server.
  • Reimplemented HTTPCache, it's got more robust and future proof.
  • (#69) Now it's possible and easy to populate the local HTTP cache.
  • Added new, cleaner samples for both old and new features.
  • Halved active threads per connections.
  • Added Memory and Network profilers.
  • (#126) Added UniTask integration


  • Removed old, cluttered samples.


  • Fixed chaos around different upload sources (RawData, Forms, UploadStream) and unified them in one UploadStream.

For API changes and upgrade guides see the Upgrade Guide topic.