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The TCPStreamer class is a versatile component that abstracts the complexities of TCP communication, making it easier to handle data streaming between networked applications or devices. It ensures reliable and efficient data transfer while handling various aspects of network communication and error management.


TCPStreamer serves several key functions:

  • Data Streaming: It enables the streaming of data between two endpoints over a TCP connection, ideal for scenarios involving the transfer of large data volumes in manageable chunks.
  • Buffer Management: The class efficiently manages buffering for both incoming and outgoing data, ensuring smooth and efficient data transfer.
  • Asynchronous Communication: Utilizing asynchronous communication patterns, it supports non-blocking operations, essential for applications requiring concurrent data processing.
  • Error Handling: Comprehensive error-handling mechanisms address exceptions that may occur during TCP communication, enhancing robustness in the face of network issues or errors.
  • Resource Management: It handles memory buffer management and resource disposal when the TCP connection is closed or the class is disposed.
  • Integration with Heartbeat: Implementing the IHeartbeat interface, it can be seamlessly integrated into systems using heartbeat mechanisms for network connection monitoring and management.


ITCPStreamerContentConsumer ContentConsumer

Gets or sets the content consumer that interacts with this TCPStreamer instance, allowing data to be written to the streamer for transmission.

Socket Socket

Gets the underlying Socket associated with this TCPStreamer instance.

LoggingContext Context

Gets the optional LoggingContext associated with this TCPStreamer instance, facilitating logging and diagnostics.

Boolean IsConnectionClosed

Gets a value indicating whether the TCP connection is closed.

Int32 MinReceiveBufferSize

Gets the minimum receive buffer size for the TCP socket.

Int64 Length

Gets the total length of buffered data for reading from the stream.


BufferSegment DequeueReceived()

Dequeues received data from the stream's buffer and returns a BufferSegment containing the data.

Void BeginReceive()

Begins receiving data from the TCP connection asynchronously. This method ensures that only one receive operation happens at a time.
When calling this method, it ensures that there is only one active receive operation at a time, preventing overlapping receives. This optimization helps prevent data loss and improves the reliability of the receive process.

Void EnqueueToSend(BufferSegment)

Enqueues data to be sent over the TCP connection. The data is added to the stream's outgoing buffer for transmission.

Void Dispose()

Disposes of the TCPStreamer instance, releasing associated resources.
