Will route some U3D calls to the HTTPManager.
HTTPUpdateDelegator HTTPUpdateDelegator.Instance
- The singleton instance of the HTTPUpdateDelegator
Boolean HTTPUpdateDelegator.IsCreated
- True, if the Instance property should hold a valid value.
Boolean HTTPUpdateDelegator.IsThreadRunning
- It's true if the dispatch thread running.
ThreadingMode CurrentThreadingMode¶
- The current threading mode the plugin is in.
Int32 HTTPUpdateDelegator.ThreadFrequencyInMS
- How much time the plugin should wait between two update call. Its default value 100 ms.
Func<Boolean> OnBeforeApplicationQuit¶
- Called in the OnApplicationQuit function. If this function returns False, the plugin will not start to shut down itself.
Action<Boolean> OnApplicationForegroundStateChanged¶
- Called when the Unity application's foreground state changed.
HTTPUpdateDelegator HTTPUpdateDelegator.CheckInstance()¶
- Will create the HTTPUpdateDelegator instance and set it up.
Boolean IsMainThread()¶
- Return true if the call happens on the Unity main thread. Setup must be called before to save the thread id!
Void SetThreadingMode(ThreadingMode)¶
- Set directly the threading mode to use.
Void SwapThreadingMode()¶
- Swaps threading mode between Unity's Update function or a distinct thread.
Void PingUpdateThread()¶
- Pings the update thread to call HTTPManager.OnUpdate immediately. Works only when the current threading mode is Threaded!