Global entry point to access and manage main services of the plugin.
OnSetupFinishedDelegate HTTPManager.OnSetupFinished
- Delegate for the setup finished event.
HostSettingsManager HTTPManager.PerHostSettings
- Instance of the per-host settings manager.
DateTime HTTPManager.CurrentFrameDateTime
- Cached DateTime value for cases where high resolution isn't needed. Warning!! It must be used only on the main update thread!
Func<String> RootSaveFolderProvider¶
- By default the plugin will save all cache and cookie data under the path returned by Application.persistentDataPath. You can assign a function to this delegate to return a custom root path to define a new path.
Proxy HTTPManager.Proxy
- The global, default proxy for all HTTPRequests. The HTTPRequest's Proxy still can be changed per-request. Default value is null.
HeartbeatManager HTTPManager.Heartbeats
- Heartbeat manager to use less threads in the plugin. The heartbeat updates are called from the OnUpdate function.
ILogger HTTPManager.Logger
- A basic Best.HTTP.Logger.ILogger implementation to be able to log intelligently additional informations about the plugin's internal mechanism.
IIOService HTTPManager.IOService
- An IIOService implementation to handle filesystem operations.
String HTTPManager.UserAgent
- User-agent string that will be sent with each requests.
Boolean HTTPManager.IsQuitting
- It's true if the application is quitting and the plugin is shutting down itself.
HTTPCache HTTPManager.LocalCache
- The local content cache, maintained by the plugin. When set to a non-null value, Maintain called immediately on the cache.
Void HTTPManager.Setup()¶
- Initializes the HTTPManager with default settings. This method should be called on Unity's main thread before using the HTTP plugin. By default it gets called by HTTPUpdateDelegator.
String HTTPManager.GetRootSaveFolder()¶
- Will return where the various caches should be saved.
Void HTTPManager.OnUpdate()¶
- Updates the HTTPManager. This method should be called regularly from a Unity event (e.g., Update, LateUpdate). It processes various events and callbacks and manages internal tasks.
Void HTTPManager.OnQuit()¶
- Shuts down the HTTPManager and performs cleanup operations. This method should be called when the application is quitting.
Void HTTPManager.AbortAll()¶
- Aborts all ongoing HTTP requests and performs an immediate shutdown of the HTTPManager.