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Represents settings related to handling HTTP request redirection.


Boolean IsRedirected

Indicates whether the request has been redirected. A request's IsRedirected might be true while RedirectCount is zero if the redirection is made to the local cache.

Uri RedirectUri

The Uri that the request is redirected to.

Int32 MaxRedirects

How many redirection is supported for this request. The default is 10. Zero or a negative value means no redirections are supported.

Int32 RedirectCount

Gets the number of times the request has been redirected.

OnBeforeRedirectionDelegate OnBeforeRedirection

Occurs before the plugin makes a new request to the new URI during redirection. The return value of this event handler controls whether the redirection is aborted (false) or allowed (true). This event is called on a thread other than the main Unity thread.


Void Reset()

Resets IsRedirected and RedirectCount to their default values.
