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The Cookie Jar implementation based on RFC 6265(


UInt32 CookieJar.MaximumSize

Maximum size of the Cookie Jar in bytes. It's default value is 10485760 (10 MB).

Boolean CookieJar.IsSavingSupported

Returns true if File apis are supported.

TimeSpan CookieJar.AccessThreshold

The plugin will delete cookies that are accessed this threshold ago. Its default value is 7 days.

Boolean CookieJar.IsSessionOverride

If this property is set to true, then new cookies treated as session cookies and these cookies are not saved to disk. Its default value is false.


List<Cookie> CookieJar.Get(Uri)

Returns all Cookies that corresponds to the given Uri.
Will add a new, or overwrite an old cookie if already exists.

Void CookieJar.Set(Cookie)

Will add a new, or overwrite an old cookie if already exists.

Void CookieJar.Clear()

Deletes all cookies from the Jar.

Void CookieJar.Clear(TimeSpan)

Removes cookies that older than the given parameter.

Void CookieJar.Clear(String)

Removes cookies that matches to the given domain.
