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How to Report a Bug

Always ensure you're using the latest version.

Check your current version by printing the Best.HTTP.Shared.HTTPManager.UserAgent variable. Up-to-date versions may have already addressed your concerns.

πŸ“š Documentation First

Before diving into the issue reporting process, please take a moment to read the documentation associated with the package or protocol you're using. Many common queries are often addressed in these documents.

πŸ› Reporting Bugs

For a swift and effective resolution, we recommend the following steps when reporting a bug:

  1. Increase Logging Verbosity: Execute the following line during the initialization phase of your application:
    Best.HTTP.Shared.HTTPManager.Logger.Level = Best.HTTP.Shared.Logger.Loglevels.All;
    Further insights about logging can be located in the logging topic.
  2. Gather Logs: Collect logs from Unity's console, Log files or your log file, depending on your configuration while replicating your issue.
  3. Document Steps: Write down the exact steps you took leading up to the issue.
  4. Submit a Report: Share the logs and the steps to reproduce through one of the support channels, providing as much detail as possible.

Providing as much detail as possible will expedite the troubleshooting process.

✨ Feature Requests

If you have a suggestion or a feature you'd like to see in the protocol you use, let me know using one of the support channels. I value community feedback and look forward to hearing your ideas!

🀝 Contributing

If you've found a solution to a common problem or want to share some insights, feel free to contribute. Let's work together to make the Best protocols even better!

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For the latest updates, features, and releases, make sure to:

πŸš€ Support

If you're facing a critical issue or need direct support, consider reaching out at one of the support channels.
