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Builder to create an application message.


ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithQoS(QoSLevels)

Build the packet with the given QoS level.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithRetain(Boolean)

Build the packet with the given retain flag.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithPayloadFormatIndicator(PayloadTypes)

Build the packet with the given payload format indicator.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithMessageExpiryInterval(UInt32)

Set the application message's expiry interval (it's in seconds).

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithResponseTopic(String)

Set the application message's response topic.


Optional data sent with the application message.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithUserProperty(String, String)

Optional key value pairs that will be sent with the application message.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithContentType(String)

Optional Content-Type value to help process the application message's payload.


Set the application message's payload.

ApplicationMessagePacketBuilder WithPayload(String)

Set the application message's payload. It also sets the payload format indicator to PayloadTypes.UTF8.

Void BeginPublish()

Begin sending the application message to the broker.
