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Global entry point to access and manage main services of the plugin.


OnSetupFinishedDelegate HTTPManager.OnSetupFinished

Delegate for the setup finished event.

HostSettingsManager HTTPManager.PerHostSettings

Instance of the per-host settings manager.

DateTime HTTPManager.CurrentFrameDateTime

Cached DateTime value for cases where high resolution isn't needed.
Warning!! It must be used only on the main update thread!

Func<String> RootSaveFolderProvider

By default the plugin will save all cache and cookie data under the path returned by Application.persistentDataPath. You can assign a function to this delegate to return a custom root path to define a new path.

Proxy HTTPManager.Proxy

The global, default proxy for all HTTPRequests. The HTTPRequest's Proxy still can be changed per-request. Default value is null.

HeartbeatManager HTTPManager.Heartbeats

Heartbeat manager to use less threads in the plugin. The heartbeat updates are called from the OnUpdate function.

ILogger HTTPManager.Logger

A basic Best.HTTP.Logger.ILogger implementation to be able to log intelligently additional informations about the plugin's internal mechanism.

IIOService HTTPManager.IOService

An IIOService implementation to handle filesystem operations.

String HTTPManager.UserAgent

User-agent string that will be sent with each requests.

Boolean HTTPManager.IsQuitting

It's true if the application is quitting and the plugin is shutting down itself.

HTTPCache HTTPManager.LocalCache

The local content cache, maintained by the plugin. When set to a non-null value, Maintain called immediately on the cache.


Void HTTPManager.Setup()

Initializes the HTTPManager with default settings. This method should be called on Unity's main thread before using the HTTP plugin. By default it gets called by HTTPUpdateDelegator.

String HTTPManager.GetRootSaveFolder()

Will return where the various caches should be saved.

Void HTTPManager.OnUpdate()

Updates the HTTPManager. This method should be called regularly from a Unity event (e.g., Update, LateUpdate). It processes various events and callbacks and manages internal tasks.

Void HTTPManager.OnQuit()

Shuts down the HTTPManager and performs cleanup operations. This method should be called when the application is quitting.

Void HTTPManager.AbortAll()

Aborts all ongoing HTTP requests and performs an immediate shutdown of the HTTPManager.
