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Manages caching of HTTP responses and associated metadata.


The HTTPCache class provides a powerful caching mechanism for HTTP responses in Unity applications. It allows you to store and retrieve HTTP responses efficiently, reducing network requests and improving the performance of your application. By utilizing HTTP caching, you can enhance user experience, reduce bandwidth usage, and optimize loading times.

Key features:

  • Optimal User Experience: Users experience faster load times and smoother interactions, enhancing user satisfaction.
  • Efficient Caching: It enables efficient caching of HTTP responses, reducing the need to fetch data from the network repeatedly.
  • Improved Performance: Caching helps improve the performance of your Unity application by reducing latency and decreasing loading times.
  • Bandwidth Optimization: By storing and reusing cached responses, you can minimize bandwidth usage, making your application more data-friendly.
  • Offline Access: Cached responses allow your application to function even when the device is offline or has limited connectivity.
  • Reduced Server Load: Fewer network requests mean less load on your server infrastructure, leading to cost savings and improved server performance.
  • Manual Cache Control: You can also manually control caching by adding, removing, or updating cached responses.


String HTTPCache.CacheHostName

This is the reversed domain the plugin uses for file paths when it have to load content from the local cache.

OnCacheSizeChangedDelegate OnCacheSizeChanged

Event that is triggered when the size of the cache changes.

HTTPCacheOptions Options

Gets the options that define the behavior of the HTTP cache.

Int64 CacheSize

Gets the current size of the HTTP cache in bytes.

OnBeforeBeginCacheDelegate OnBeforeBeginCache

Called before the plugin calls BeginCache to decide whether the content will be cached or not.


Hash128 HTTPCache.CalculateHash(HTTPMethods, Uri)

Calculates a unique hash identifier based on the HTTP method and URI.

String GetHashDirectory(Hash128)

Generates the directory path based on the given hash where cached content is stored.

String GetHeaderPathFromHash(Hash128)

Generates the file path for the header cache associated with the given hash.

String GetContentPathFromHash(Hash128)

Generates the file path for the content cache associated with the given hash.

Boolean AreCacheFilesExists(Hash128)

Checks whether cache files (header and content) associated with the given hash exist.

Void SetupValidationHeaders(HTTPRequest)

Sets up validation headers on an HTTP request if a locally cached response exists.

BeginCache(HTTPMethods, Uri, Int32, String, List, LoggingContext)

Initiates the caching process for an HTTP response, creating an HTTPCacheContentWriter if caching is enabled and all predconditions are met.

Void EndCache(HTTPCacheContentWriter, Boolean, LoggingContext)

Finalizes the caching process and takes appropriate actions based on the completion status.

Stream BeginReadContent(Hash128, LoggingContext)

Initiates the process of reading cached content associated with a given hash. Call BeginReadContent to acquire a Stream object that points to the cached resource.

Void EndReadContent(Hash128, LoggingContext)

Finalizes the process of reading cached content associated with a given hash.

Void Delete(Hash128, LoggingContext)

Deletes a cached entry identified by the given hash, including its associated header and content files.

RefreshHeaders(Hash128, String, List, LoggingContext)

Refreshes the headers of a cached HTTP response with new headers.

Boolean CanServeWithoutValidation(Hash128, ErrorTypeForValidation, LoggingContext)

Checks whether the caches resource identified by the hash is can be served from the local store with the given error conditions.
This check reflects the very current state, even if it returns true, a request might just executing to get a write lock on it to refresh the content.

Void Redirect(HTTPRequest, Hash128)

Redirects a request to a cached entity.

Void Clear()

Clears the HTTP cache by removing all cached entries and associated metadata.
